Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly April 30-May 4

  Week: April 30- May 4 , 2012

Third Grade
Story Structure – Concepts Review
“A Symphony of Whales” – Concepts Review
Pajama Party – Story Reading       Dr. Seuss  ”The Lorax”
“A Symphony of Whales”  - Workbook
Book Report – Show and Tell
Homework: Book report for Friday. I have updated the documents in the blog so that everyone can access them.
   Wednesday- Pajama Party/ Story Reading: The students can come to school in their pajamas. They can also bring sleeping bags, blankets or pillows. The activity will be done during their English Class periods. Sleeping Bags will stay in my classroom during the day, they will pick them up at the end of their school day. They will stay for the whole day in their pajamas. No short sleeves or shorts are permitted.          If a student doesn’t come in their pajamas then he or she will come with their regular school uniforms. It is not a Casual Day.      (Third Grade only)     

Second Grade                                                                              
Concepts Review – Story Review – Story Structure
 Book Report – Show and Tell
What is Made from Corn? –  Reading Book / Spelling Practice
Concepts Review  - Workbook
Long Ii Spelling / High Frequency Words
Homework: No homework.        Tuesday – Book Report / Show and Tell

1-      Remember: The Book Reports will be presented during the week as well as the show and tell. Remember the show and tell should be memorized. There should be no problem with this since the student has read the book  and knows what is about.
2-      Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
3-      It is advised to check the teacher’s blog weekly. In it I will post many resources and practice that can be used at home. Students, parents and tutors can benefit from them a lot.
4-      Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
5-      The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
6-    Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions.     
Have a great week!                  *This weekly can change.

Beluga Whale Dances to Mariachi Band

Barrow Grey Whales - Oct 18, 1988 #1

Passage to Freedom - Documentary (Third Grade)

Whale Song - Third Grade

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Week: April 23-27, 2012
Third Grade
“Pushing Up the Sky” – Reading Book, Workbook
“A Symphony of Whales” – Suffixes      
Reading Book-Notebook- Workbook
“A Symphony of Whales” –          Notebook,  Reading Book
“A Symphony of Whales”   - Magazine Article
 reading book, notebook, workbook
“A Symphony of Whales”     
  reading book, workbook, audiovisual visit

Homework: For Friday - Workbook pages 211 AND 214. Please wait until the teacher explains in the classroom the concepts before doing the homework.                                                    
Second Grade                                                                              
Exam Review  (Classroom)
Comparative Endings –er, -est / High Frequency Words
Notebook – reading book
“A Weed is a Flower”  Reading Book

“A Weed is a Flower” -  Biography (George Washington Carver
Audiovisual visit
Homework: For Friday - Workbook pages 245 AND 250. Please wait until the teacher explains in the classroom the concepts before doing the homework.
1-      Let’s thank Mr. caban and the faculty and administration for al the effort put in the “Relevo Recreo”activity. It came out as a beautiful and inspirational activity in which the students learned a lot and had a lot of fun too! It is very important to talk to our children about this terriblr illness and the effect it has in the patients as well as family and friends.
2-      Due to the fact that there are some technical problems with Regweb, all announcements will be made in the blog. Please check it out daily.
3-       Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
4-      Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
5-      The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
6-      Parents: VERY IMPORTANT!!!Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions. I HAVE NOTICED A PATTERN IN THE STUDENTS ARRIVAL AND THEY YEND TO MISS THE BEGINNIG OF THE CLASS.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Second Grade Exam Review (April 24, 2012)

Second Grade Exam Review        (70 pts.)
1-  1-   Long E Spelling
2-  2-  High Frequency Words: Fill in the blank.
             shoes   village   science   won   watch    guess  pretty
3-   3- Vocabulary Words: robot, wad, trash, electricity  (match)
4-   4- Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word.
5-   5- Complete the story structure chart: Title of the Story, Author, Author’s Purpose, Illustrator, Characters, Setting, Main Idea    
 *(The student will write the information.)
6-    6-Sequence of Events (1-6)  (Check the notebook)
7-    7-Mention the two purposes for an author to write a story. (entertain – inform)
8-    8-The student will read a short passage and will write if the author’s purpose for that passage was to inform or entertain. 

Weekly April 16-20, 2012

English Weekly    Mrs. Matias     
  Week: April 16-20, 2012

Third Grade
No Classes
English Exam
Cathedral Visit (First Communion Practice)
“Pushing Up the Sky”   Reading Book – Workbook - Notebook
Relevo Recreo
Homework: No homework                                                                                         
Second Grade                                                                              
No Classes
Long O Sound,  “Dear Juno”, Draw Conclusions     
 Reading Book - Notebook
Long O Sound,” Anansi Goes Fishing” , Compare and Contrast
Reading Book / Notebook
Draw Conclusions , Compare and Contrast Review    Workbook
Relevo Recreo
Homework: No homework. The students will read these two stories as a review for the comparing and contrasting skill and learn to draw conclusions from a reading. They will not come in the exam. The new spelling words for the long O sound will come in a quiz that will be announced later on.
1-      Please make sure all students attend Wednesday’s First Communion Practice. (Third  Grade) All students must be at the Cathedral at 6:00pm sharp. Let’s avoid any type of situations that might prevent the students to arrive on time.
2-      The students that did not bought the “Relevo por la Vida” T-Shirt will come to school this Friday with the school’s uniform and with a backpack with the “Aviso” notebook, crayons, scissors, glue, etc and their lunch bags with snacks and water. They will stay inside the school with a faculty member. Those who will participate in the Relevo Recreo activity will come to school with the T-shirt and with their lunch bags with snacks and water.  Feel free to bring sunblock a hat and whatever decoration regarding the Holiday Three Kings Day that can be used in the parade.
3-      Second Grade Exam: April 24, 2012
4-      Sorry for the delay, grades will be updated in regweb during the week.
5-      Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
6-      It is advised to check the teacher’s blog weekly. In it I will post many resources and practice that can be used at home. Students, parents and tutors can benefit from them a lot.
7-      Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
8-      The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
9-      Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions.      

Friday, April 13, 2012

Third Grade Exam Review

Third Grade Exam Review

1-    Write contractions from the list that is in the notebook.
2-    Vocabulary Words – “How do you raise a raisin?
3-    Story Structure: How do you raise raisins?   (Title, genre, author, author’s purpose, draw a conclusion.
4-    The students will read a short story and they will draw a conclusion with details from it.

Exam: Tuesday April 17, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weekly April 11-13, 2012

English Weekly             Mrs. Matias 
 Week: April 11-13, 2012

Third Grade
Draw Conclusions – How Do You Raise a Raisin?    Review
“Seeing Stars”           Reading Book - Workbook
“Seeing Stars”           Reading Book - Workbook
Homework: No homework. Study for next week’s exam!                                                                
Second Grade                                                                              
Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends”   (Reading Book – Workbook)
Concepts Review – Spelling Words – High Frequency Words
Present-Past-Future Tense Verbs Review  (for exam)
Homework: No homework.
1-    Third Grade Exam: April 17, 2012   
2-      I hope you had a wonderful Easter vacation, always remembering the true meaning of this Holiday.
3-      I am selling the “Relevo por la vida” T-shirt. Without the T-shirt the student will not be able to participate in the activity “Relevo Recreo” (April 20, 2012). Please contact me or Mrs. Caban for more information about upcoming activities.  (Third Grade)
4-      Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
5-      It is advised to check the teacher’s blog weekly. In it I will post many resources and practice that can be used at home. Students, parents and tutors can benefit from them a lot.
6-      Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
7-      The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
8-    Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions.     
Have a great week!                  *This weekly can change.

Third Grade "Seeing Stars"

Third Grade "Seeing Stars"

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see which way to go,                                                     
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are


internet sites to visit


Feel free to visit all of this cool pages. In them you will find a lot of information about stars and constellations.

Have Fun!

Third Grade "Seeing Stars"

Third Grade "Seeing Stars"

Third Grade "Seeing Stars"