Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekly May 7-11, 2012

Week: May 7-11, 2012

Third Grade

Final Exam Review
 Final Exam Review
 Final Exam Review
 Final Exam Review

Second Grade                                                                   

Final Exam Review

 Final Exam Review
 Final Exam Review
 Final Exam Review


1-    AIC Summer Camp (June 4-29, 2012) Reserve your space!
2-    Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
3-    It is advised to check the teacher’s blog weekly. In it I will post many resources and practice that can be used at home. Students, parents and tutors can benefit from them a lot.
4-    Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
5-    The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
6-    Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions.     
Have a great week!                  *This weekly can change.

Third Grade Schedule   (Final Exams)

Friday May 11, 2012     -    Spanish & Science
Tuesday May 15, 2012      -     Math & Religion
Thursday May 17, 2012      -   Social Studies & English

Second Grade Final Exam Review

Second Grade Final Exam Review
1-      High Frequency Words: neighbor, only, questions, taught, money, clothes, hours, their, buy, alone, daughters, youngest, many and half.  ( Fill in the blank and Choose the correct answer)
2-      Spelling Long O and Long I: goat, show, ago, slow, rainbow, open, grow, find, child, sky, fly, cry, spider and right.
3-      Comparative endings: er, est - The student will decide which comparative ending should he or she choose to complete the sentence.  Example:  In my classroom, boys are _____________ than girls. (taller, tallest)
4-      Story Structure: “A Weed is a Flower”: The Life or George Washington Carver
-Title, Author/Illustrator, Genre, Main Idea, Author’s Purpose
-Mention two things Mr. Washington Carver invented from sweet potatoes.
-Mention three things Mr. Washington Carver invented from peanuts.
-Details about George Washington Carver. (Everything has been discussed in class from the biography in the book.) The student has to write the name of George Washington Carver and the Main Idea everything is comes in a True or False and a Choose the correct answer section. 

Third Grade Final Exam - Review

                                          Third Grade Final Exam Review     (100pts.)
I.                   Identify in a sentence the word with a suffix. Write the suffix of each word.
II.                 Match each Literary Element with its definition. (title, setting, author, author’s purpose, conclusion, compare, characters, contrast, main idea, illustrator)
III.              Vocabulary Words. Write the vocabulary word for each given definition. (The words will be in a box for them to choose from.)
IV.              Story Structure: Answer each question in complete sentences.
(Title, author, author’s purpose, characters, setting, main idea, conclusion and sequence. The students will write the information. Everything is in the notebook and book.)
V.                The students will read several sentences. In each sentence there is a word that is underlined. They will write if that underlined word is a noun, verb or an adjective.