Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PK Parents


Please note that sometimes the schedule of the weekly can change. Everything will be given to them but the order or dates can change.



The students will be learning about Nonfiction Narrative. They will be learning cool facts about some animals mentioned in the reading book. They will learn more facts about animals with this assignment. For Thursday November 8, 2012 the students have to bring at least six cool facts about the given animal and pictures of the animals. They will work in groups with the animals creating a Cool Animal Facts Poster and they will be giving information to their classmates about that animal. Each group will have a different animal and after making the posters they will present it to their classmates. If a student doesn't bring their assignment (info and pictures) he or she will not receive the points for the assignment.
*Don't forget to bring materials to decorate your posters!!!
Check you animal and group below:

 ZEBRA - Group 1: Javier, Elena, Adriana, Carlos,Coral
ELEPHANTS - Group 2: Zabdiel, Edrick, Angeles, Sofia, Emmanuelle
MONKEYS- Group 3: Alexander, Bryan, Claris, Andrea, Diego, Nicole
DOLPHINS: Group 4: Esmeralda, Thanairy, Natalia, Orlando, Angelica, Daniela

SHARKS - Group 1: Yan, Daniel, Nicole, Ariadna, Alanis
WHALES: Group 2: Nicolas, Adriana, Issac, Laura, Javier
LIONS - Group 3: Vincent, Paulina, Lourdes Paola, Victor
FLAMINGOS - Group 4: Lourdes Sofia, Marcos, Sebastian, Patricia
KANGAROOS- Group 5: Natalia, Isabelle, Miguel, Victoria, Angeliz

Friday, October 26, 2012

6th grade - possessive nouns

Possessive Nouns Practice

PK Weekly

Week: October 29- November 2, 2012

Weekly Concept: Healthy Habits

What are healthy habits?
Healthy habits: brushing your teeth, brushing your hair
Healthy habits: taking a shower/bath
Healthy habit: exercising
Healthy habit: playing outside

No homework for the week.

*The students will be working in classroom activities, role playing and games.

K-1 Weekly

K-1 Conversational English

Week: October 29 – November 2, 2012

Weekly Concepts: Fun Activities

During the week the students will be working in the classroom with various activities that they believe are fun. They have given me a list of things and I will be recreating some of them in the classroom. This week we will be working with finger paint, the teacher will bring her skateboard(the students will not use it), etc.

On Thursday November 1, 2012 the students will present their show and tell telling their classmates what they like to do for fun.

6th Grade Weekly Oct 29-Nov2, 2012

Click on the link to download the weekly.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I have many students arriving to class late... EVERYDAY!
Although I understand that many things can happen and can make you arrive late some of the excuses the students give me everyday are hilarious and out of this world. But in the other hand it worries me because they are missing on important information and they are not valueing the time dedicated to the class. Many come in late lost, asking many questions that have already been answered. I do not mind answering again but there are other students that came in early and have started already the class and have their minds focused on the class.

If it helps...

6th Grade Weekly October 15-19, 2012

Click on the link to access the weekly:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I am posting some of my favorite stories. I read them to my babies at home. It is so amazing how many things kids can learn while reading. The following four videos are Kai's favorite.

"Goodnight Moon" PK/kinder

Great sleepy time story! Classic!

"I love you stinky face" PK/Kinder

This is my son Kai's favorite book ever! I always do the voices. Kai actally says...but mama!! So cute!

"Love you forever". I Love this Book! PK/Kinder

I love love love this beautiful story! Sometimes I wish my sons Kai and Ian will stay babies. They grow up so fast!!  A mother's love for her son...beautiful.

Guess How Much I Love You PK/Kinder

Are You My Mother? PK-Kinder

I will read this story to the students on Thursday but using the actual book!

The Lorax (ebook) 6th grade


Monday, October 8, 2012

6th Grade Nouns Practice

*At home practice*
Click on the links to access extra practice resources to do at home.


Common and Proper Nouns 6th Grade

Noun Song from Grammaropolis - "Noun Town" 6th Grade

The noun song 6th Grade

Noun Song Rap 6th Grade

Schoolhouse Rock - A Noun... 6th Grade

The Family Song PK-Kinder

The Finger Family PK-Kinder

Family Vocabulary - PK -Kinder

family member vocabulary PK-Kinder

K-1 Weekly October 8-12, 2012

K-1 Conversational English Weekly 
Week: October 8-12, 2012                            Mrs. Matias

This week the students and I will be talking about families and many kinds of families that exist. The students will mention the members from their families and will complete many classroom activities regarding the concept. Feel free to talk to your child at home about this concept too. It is very important that each student understands the fact that not all families are the same.                           Have a wonderful week!

PK Weekly - Oct. 8-12, 2012

WEEK: OCTOBER 8-12, 2012

Week Concept: Family Members    
Mother and Father
Meet and greet mother Frog and father Frog
Sister and Brother
Family Members
Mother, Father, Brother, Sister
Story Time – Family Story
Dr. Seuss – “Are you my mother?
No Classes-Race Day
*Parents: During class it is explained to the students that there are many different types of families and there are different members in other families. 

6th grade weekly

Click on the link to download this week's weekly sheet.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

6th Grade - Reminder

1- Difficult Spelling Words and Fact and Opinion Quiz - October 5, 2012
2- Next Week Concept: NOUNS

Casual Day

October 4, 2012
$1.00 Casual Day
(Fund Raising for Mrs. Michelle Ann Gonzalez)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kinder and PK - Shapes

In this website I found some stories about shapes that you can read at home to your children.


I am always talking to my students about reading.
Reading gives you a chance to learn new vocabulary and my favorite...USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

There is a site I constantly use with my babies at home for reading. Every time I read an ebook from the website Pearson Foundation and Penguin Group  donates a book to different charities that work in communities around the world. Join the cause!!!

Save water, Save Life! - 6th Grade Campaign

Click on the links to learn more about ways to save/conserve water.

English Weekly - October 1-5, 2012

Click on the link to download the weekly for each grade:

PK and Kinder:

6th Grade: