Tuesday, December 2, 2014

PK Weekly December 1-12, 2014


I will be reviewing various concepts taught in the semester with the students. The next Unit will be covered on January 2015.

I will be sending book, workbooks and notebooks home. Please, make sure to complete at home undone assignments given during the semester.

Have a wonderful week!

Vacations are almost here!

PS: Today I gave each student the oral evaluation for the unit.
Great Work!

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly (This weekly is for the next two weeks December 1-12, 2014)

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly December 1-12, 2014

Classes are almost over! Vacations are almost here!!

First Grade Final Exam Review

Students must study the following concepts:

1- Write if the word is a noun, adjective or verb.

2- Spelling Words Dictation (Short O Sound)

3- High Frequency Words (blue, from, help, little, get, use)

4- Identify the adjective in the sentence.

5- Complete the word if it has Short O sound. (example: m___m     s __ ck , if it doesn't have short o sound the student will not write anything)

6- Choose the sentence that is written correctly.      
* Rememeber: A sentence begins with a CAPITAL LETTER and ends with a PERIOD.

Second Grade Final Exam Review

1- r- controlled vowels (ir, er, ur) Spelling Words (Dictation)

2- Contractions  (list in the notebook)

3- Mention the three purposes for an author to write a story.

4- High Frequency Words  (certainly, either, great, laugh, second, worst, you're)

5- Details from the Informational text: "Abraham Lincoln"   Reading Book pages 224-241

English Quizes


   My apologies for been absent  to school yesterday. I was hospitalized during the weekend. I am feeling much better. Even though the quiz was announced with time in advance, I will give students extra days to continue practicing in class and at home.

The quiz will be given:

First Grade - Thursday December 4, 2014  (adjectives)

Second Grade - Friday December 5, 2014 (contractions)

Monday, November 24, 2014

PK Oral Evaluation

Family Members: mother, father, brother, sister, baby brother, baby sister, grandfather, grandmother, cousins, aunt, uncle, friend

numbers 5,6,7

Letter Ff

1st Grade and 2nd Grade Quiz

December 2, 2014 - English Quiz

First Grade - Adjectives (identify adjectives from a group of words)

Second Grade - Contractions   (Write the contractions for the given words) (list is in the notebook)

1st Grade & 2nd Grade Weekly November 24-28, 2014

First Grade

Monday- Adjectives Practice  Notebook

Tuesday - "The Big Blue Ox" Reading Book     Thanksgiving Activity

Wednesday- Turkey Race No Class

Thursday- Friday  Thanksgiving Recess

Second Grade

Monday- Spelling Words Practice  Workbook

Tuesday - Author's Purpose   Notebook      Thanksgiving Activity

Wednesday- Turkey Race No Class

Thursday- Friday  Thanksgiving Recess

Monday, November 17, 2014

PK Weekly November 17-21, 2014 & November 24-28, 2014

WEEKLY      November 17-21, 2014

Letter Ff - Workbook p. 31

Letter Ff - Book p. 42-43, 45


Numbers - Worksheet

Concepts Review

WEEKLY      November 24-28, 2014

Monday - Numbers Workbook p. 29

Tuesday - Thanksgiving Story

Wednesday - Turkey Race

Thursday - Friday  Thanksgiving Recess

Family Members: mother, father, brother, sister, baby brother, baby sister, grandfather, grandmother, cousins, aunt, uncle, friend

numbers 5,6,7

Letter Ff

Sunday, November 16, 2014


1ST & 2ND GRADE Nov 17-21, 2014

PK Weekly will be posted during the day.

*First Grade and Second Grade exam grades will be posted in Regweb during the week.
Feel free to contact me for more information.

Have a great week!

Teacher Matías

PK Parents: LOTS of students are coming to class with undone homework. I understand it does not have grading points but homework assignments are used to create routines, practice and so parents can see what the students are working on. I rarely assign homework. The book, workbook and notebook will be sent home on Friday. Please catch up on the missed assignments.

Thank You!

Teacher Matias

Monday, November 10, 2014

First Grade Exam Review


   Exam Review mix up. It is not long Aa spelling words, it is short Aa spelling words.
Make sure to look for them in the notebook.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Take Care!

Teacher Matías

Friday, November 7, 2014

Second Grade Assignment

Students have until Monday to bring their magazines.
The activity was postponed until Monday.
Very few students in class today because of the rain.

Weekly November 10-14, 2014

Click on the link to download the weekly.

PK Weekly Nov 10-14

1st - 2nd Grade Weekly Nov 10-14

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekly October 27-31, 2014

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly Oct. 27-31

PK Weekly Oct. 27-31

PK- Oral Evaluation - Colors  October 30, 2014

First Grade  Exam  November November 13, 2014

Second Grade Exam  November 12, 2014

Second Grade Exam Review
Nouns- identify nouns in a sentence, write proper nouns correctly, write nouns in their plural forms, say if the noun is in singular or plural form, write the plural of irregular nouns
Spelling Words: Days of the Week, Months of the Year

Monday, October 20, 2014

Change of date- Second Grade Exam

Second Grade Exam will not be on November 11 (holiday), It will be given on November 12, 2014.

Sorry for the confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.

Always at your service,

Teacher Matias

Weekly October 20-24, 2014

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st-2nd Grade Weekly Oct 20-24

PK Weekly Oct 20-24

Have a wonderful week!

Teacher Matias

FIRST GRADE: For next week the students must bring the next Reading Book:  Unit 1.
Don't forget!

Monday, October 13, 2014

WEEKLY 1st-2nd Grade Oct 13-17

1st-2nd Grade Weekly

PK WEEKLY Oct 13-17

PK Weekly Oct 13-17

Second Grade Exam Review (October 16, 2014)

Please review at home the following concepts for the exam.

1-  Spelling - r controlled vowels  (dictation)

2- Dictation of the following sounds. Teacher will say the sound and the student writes the letters.
  (or, ore, ar, th, ch, sh, tch, wh, ph)

3- High Frequency Words:  family      pull     break    listen   heard   once  gone  together   learn   very   often   though   pieces

4-  Literary Elements: Story Tara and Tiree...   
            Title and  Author's Purpose 

Take Care!

Teacher Matias

First Grade Exam Review (October 16, 2014)

Please review at home the following concepts for the exam:

1- Fill in the blank with the correct beginning letter of the word. Teacher will tell the students what each picture is. Use the letters r, l, j, o, e, d, h, w and k.   

2- Is the picture REAL or MAKE BELIEVE?

3- Organize the letters of the week in order. (Teacher will provide the days but not in order.)

4- High Frequency Words (Fill in the blank)  (he, is, with, three, to)

5- Identify verbs from a group of words. 

Have a wonderful week!

Teacher Matias

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Let's Avoid Tardiness

tardiness: delayed beyond the expected or proper time 


It is very important that the students arrive in time to school. Lots of students are arriving after class has begun and they are missing all the announcements and concept reviews. They come to class lost and it takes a while for them to settle in and begin with their assignments. They get very distracted as well as distracting the students that come on time to class. Please, make sure to make all the proper arrangements to get to school on time. 

Always at your service,

Teacher Matias


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Parents - Teacher Meeting


 As you know tomorrow the teachers will be meeting with those parents that want to know about their child's academic progress. It is very important for you to remember that many parents can come to meet with the teacher. Time for meetings will be brief and straight to the point. I will appreciate that if you want to talk about discipline and class behavior to schedule an appointment during the following days so we have more time to sit and talk without any hurry and with the presence of the school's Orientation Department for further assistance in managing behavior.  Exams will be available for quick viewing and discussion.  

Thank You!

Teacher Matias

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 19, 2014 Exam Reviews

First Grade:

High Frequency Words: we, like, the, one, I, see, a, green   (fill in the blank)

Consonants: c, p, f, n, b, g, l, a

Write the first letter of the picture.

Complete the word with the correct letter.
*Teacher will read the words.

Second Grade:

Long Vowel Sound Spelling Words

High Frequency Words: bear, love, build, father, mother, straight, couldn't, live, work, machines, move, everywhere, world, woman

Identify the subject and the predicate in the sentence.

"Henry and Mudge" - Details from the story. (
Re-read the story at home too)

Vocabulary Words: astronaut, descend, ascend, shuttle, gravity, universe, telescope

Tuesday, September 9, 2014



I will appreciate dearly if you contact me for information about the English Class. The students' homeroom teacher doesn't have any information to give you about the class, assignments, quizzes or exams. It is very important that you always check the "aviso" notebook and the weekly for information regarding the class and assignments. I always announce with time in advance all the quizzes, exams and homework. Those who know my teaching style know that Teacher Matías will never quiz a student on a concept presented the day before. Please, make sure to always check what will be included in the evaluations (quizzes, exams) before studying with your child.
Every concept presented and explained in class is reviewed every single day with different types of activities. Paying attention, being focused and showing an excellent behavior will help the students understand the concepts taught in class.

Please always have in mind that I am here at your service and I am available for meetings from 11:30 to 12:15pm. Feel free to call the secretary to schedule an appointment.

Teacher Matias

Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly September 8-12, 2014

QUIZ for First and Second Grade

Click on the link to download the weekly.

PK Weekly Sept 8-12

Weekly 1st-2nd Grade Sept 8-12

Have a great week!

-Teacher Matias

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekly September 1-5, 2014

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st-2nd Grade Weekly


Check the homework instructions.

Have a wonderful week!

Teacher Matias

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekly August 18-22, 2014

Click on the link to download this week's weekly.

1st-2nd Grade Weekly

PK Weekly

*August 22, 2014 - First Grade / Second Grade Exam

FIRST GRADE: For Tuesday August 19, 2014 - Students must bring their Reading Book Unit R: Ready, Set, Read. (Soft Cover)
Don't Forget!

Friday, August 15, 2014


English Exam for 1-1, 1-2 and 2-1: August 22, 2014
In this week's weekly I wrote August 21, 2014. Sorry, my mistake.

It is very important that students review the concepts at home. Check the Exam Review, have them practice.
Most students didn't practice reading during their summer vacations. Please have them practice at home, it is very important for their fluency and understanding vocabulary. I posted during the week various internet resources that you can use at home if you want or they want interactive reading practice.

Have a great weekend!
Teacher Matias

Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Grade Exam Review

First Grade Exam Review      Exam: August 22, 2014
I.                    Identify the vowels in the alphabet. (5)
II.                  Identify the consonants in the alphabet. (21)
III.                Circle the pictures that begin with the /m/, /s/, /t/ and short a sound.
IV.                Complete the sentence using a high frequency word. (I, see, a, green)
I see you!      The crayon is green.
V.                  Complete the word using the correct letter. (s,t,m and a)
Sam     pat    mop  ant

*During the FIRST semester of First Grade the teacher will read the exam to the students and work part by part with them. The teacher will read the instructions, name all the pictures in the exam, read the sentences and read the words to be completed.

Second Grade Exam Review

Second Grade Exam - August 22,2014

I. Spelling Words- Short Vowel Sound Dictation (notebook)
II. Complete the alphabet. Write the missing letters.
III. Write words in alphabetical order.
IV. High Frequency Words: beautiful, someone, somewhere, front, friend, country
V. Story: "The Twin Club" - True or False

We will continue discussing each concept in class.

Take Care!

Teacher Matias

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ways a Parent Can Help with Reading

Alphabet Practice PK, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade

These are some of my favorite alphabet sites in the internet. Students can use them to practice the alphabet at home. Feel free to check them out!





 Reading MUST:
