Monday, April 28, 2014

First Grade - Barack Obama / President of the USA

First Grade- George Washington / First President of USA

PK - Value: Be Polite

Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them.  ~Bill Kelly

First Grade Final Exam Review

The students must study the following concepts
1- Long Oo Sound Spelling Words: boat, road, snow, row, yellow, loaf, coat, soap, blow, pillow

2- High Frequency Words: 
           once   found    wild    took    mouth     eight    moon    touch     above    laugh
(Fill in the blank)

3- Expository Text: "A Trip to Washington, D.C.") Re-read the selection and pay extra attention to details.  (Choose the correct answer)
Important concepts from the selection to study:
-White House
-Declaration of Independence
-George Washington
-Barack Obama
-Washington, D.C.
(Each concept was discussed in class while reading the selection and pictures and videos were shown in the Smart Board.)

4- Identify the adjective in the sentence.
Example:  Maria is happy

Don't leave studying for the last minute!

-Teacher Matías

Second Grade Final Exam Review

Please study the following concepts for the final exams.

1- Long Ii Spelling Words: find, right, child, fright, sky, spider, bright, cry, wild, blind, fly, myself

2- High Frequency Words: alone, buy, daughters, half, many, their, youngest, money, clothes, question, neighbor, taught, only, hours    (Fill in the blank, Choose the correct answer that completes the sentence)

3- Comparative Endings -er and -est.  (Choose the word from the parentheses that completes the sentence.) The students need to know when they add -er or -est in the adjective.

4- True or False from the selection: "A Weed is a Flower". Re-read the selection and pay attention to details.

5- Mention adjectives.

Don't leave studying for the last day!

-Teacher Matias

Thursday, April 24, 2014

1st Grade Long O

long Oo Video - reading

PK and 1-2 Parents

(1-2) Today during the English period the students had to attend a health workshop they had scheduled for today and then they had assist to the dance rehearsal at the High School Level. The assignments and concepts for today will be presented tomorrow.

(PK) Teacher did not give the class today due to the fact that I was taking the first grade class to a dance rehearsal. The concepts will be presented on Monday and the homework due for tomorrow will now be for next Tuesday. I will not send the book or workbook home for the weekend.

 Please make sure to review the weekly and concepts at home and sorry for the inconvenience.


-Teacher Matías

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Long Ii Sound - Second Grade

Long Ii short story


Congratulations to a special student who turned into a big brother not long ago!

2-1 Andrés

Congratulations and many blessings to your family and baby sister!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Not many school days left!


I will be posting next weekend the Final Exam Review.
Make sure your child studies at home too.
Don't leave it for the last minute!


Weekly April 21-25, 2014

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly


Sunday, April 6, 2014