Monday, May 11, 2015

Finals Week

For first grade only:
final exam review BLANK

Feel free to use it again for studying. You can update it to make it your own.

For ALL Parents:

Don't be like this: a bit more like this: your child can be like this:

and like this:

the you will all be like this...maybe? 

you wish? hahaha sorry!! 

Have a wonderful week!
Teacher Matías

Friday, April 24, 2015

First and Second Grade Final Exam Reviews

Second Grade Final Exam Review
Please study the following concepts for the final exams.

1- Long Ii Spelling Words: find, right, child, fright, sky, spider, bright, cry, wild, blind, fly, myself

2- High Frequency Words: alone, buy, daughters, half, many, their, youngest, money, clothes, question, neighbor, taught, only, hours    (Fill in the blank, Choose the correct answer that completes the sentence)

3- Comparative Endings -er and -est.  (Choose the word from the parentheses that completes the sentence.) The students need to know when they add -er or -est in the adjective.

4- True or False from the selection: "A Weed is a Flower". Re-read the selection and pay attention to details.

5- Mention adjectives.

First Grade Final Exam Review

The students must study the following concepts
1- Long Oo Sound Spelling Words: boat, road, snow, row, yellow, loaf, coat, soap, blow, pillow

2- High Frequency Words:
once   found    wild    took    mouth     eight    moon    touch     above    laugh
(Fill in the blank)

3- Expository Text: "A Trip to Washington, D.C.") Re-read the selection and pay extra attention to details.  (Choose the correct answer)

Important concepts from the selection to study:
-White House
-Declaration of Independence
-George Washington
-Barack Obama
-Washington, D.C.
(Each concept was discussed in class while reading the selection and pictures and videos were shown in the Smart Board.)

4- Identify the adjective in the sentence.

Example:  Maria is happy

Don't leave studying for the last minute!

-Teacher Matías

Weekly PK , First Grade, Second Grade - CLASSES ARE ALMOST OVER!!!!

Click on the link to download the week's weekly.

Week: April 27 - May 1, 2015

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly April27-May1

PK Weekly Apr27-May1

Week: May 4-8, 2015

PK Weekly May4-8, 2015

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly May4-8

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Second Grade Book Report

Second Grade  Book Report Rubric

Bringing the book on the assigned day: 10 pts.
Bringing decorating materials: 5 pts.
Title: 2 pts.
Author: 2 pts.
Illustrator: 2 pts.
Characters:  5 pts.
Setting: 3 pts.
Author’s purpose: 3 pts.
Sequence of Events: 9 pts.
Opinion: 4 pts.
Informational Cardboard with Literary Elements: 5 pts
Drawing of the story: 10 pts.

Total: 60 pts.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly April 20-24, 2015

Click on the link to download the weekly.

PK Weekly April 20-24, 2015

1st-2nd Grade Weekly April 20-24, 2015

Lots of activities this week! ... and I smell...VACATIONS...coming soon!

Teacher Matías

Friday, April 17, 2015

First Grade Quiz - April 22, 2015

Students must study the following concepts at home:

1- The SOUND of Long Aa, Long Ee and Long Ii
(exercise in the notebook on April 17, 2015)

2- High Frequency Words: moon, above, touch, eight, laugh

Have a great weekend!

Second Grade Quiz

Due to the fact that Student's Day will now be on April 23, 2015
the English Quiz will be given on April 22, 2015.
Sorry for the inconvenience. The students will still bring their materials for the assignment announced for that day.

Concepts to study for the quiz:
1- Compare and Contrast exercise
2- High Frequency Words: buy, their, daughters, alone, half, many, youngest
3- Adjectives

Monday, April 13, 2015

Change of dates for the quiz...Assignments

English Quiz

First Grade April 22, 2015

Second Grade April 23, 2015

Second Grade:

For Thursday bring a English to Spanish dictionary. The smaller the better!
No dictionary? No points.

Please follow the specific instructions for next week's assignment. Again I repeat, it is a class assignment, not to be done or finished at home.  The decoration to use should be according to the story and the student's drawing.
Books are available at the school's library or your municipality's library.
Chapter books are not allowed. It has to be a story, one that your child will understand.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pk Weekly April 13-17, 2015

Click on the link to download the weekly.

PK Weekly April 13-17, 2015

Have a great week!

First and Second Grade Weekly April 13-17, 2015

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly April 13-17, 2015


First Graders: I still have students coming to class without their Unit 4 Reading Book.
Please make sure your child has it in his or her book bag.

Second Grade: Bring a dictionary for Thursday April 16, 2015 (not big)

*Special Assignment for next Tuesday April 21, 2015: Bring a story of your liking. (Story Book) It has to be a book with only one story, no less than 20 pages. The students will be working in the classroom during two days with the story. They can choose the book from the school's library.The student can read it before hand but the assignment will be done ONLY IN THE CLASSROOM and only during those two days. Time management, organization, focus, interest and good behavior will help the students finish on time. No stories about violence, fighting, blood or suitable for your child will be allowed.

MATERIALS TO BRING: 1 white cardboard ("cartulina") cut in half vertically (please make it the rigid one so it doesn't fold), markers, stickers, ribbons, glitter for decoration. Points will be given for materials.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Second Grade Exam Review March 26, 2015

The students must study and review the following concepts:

1- Long O Spelling Words
2- Compound Words (notebook list)
3- Author's Purpose (what is the author doing in a passage: entertain, persuade or inform)
4-High Frequency Words: caught, finally, believe, whatever, tomorrow, been, today
5- Vocabulary Words: "Dear Juno" and "Anansi..."

First Grade Exam Review March 26, 2015

The students must study and review the following concepts:

1- Spelling Words er, ir, ur
2- Contractions List (notebook)
3-Comparative Endings -er, -est (when do you write -er, when do you write -est)
4- Life Cycle of a Butterfly (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly)
 (identify which stage of the cycle the given picture is)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

First Grade and Second Grade Exam Review

First Grade Exam March 4, 2015

Please study the following concepts for the exam:

1.  -ng, -nk ending sound
2- Verbs: when to add s and not add s to the verb
3- Details about the story "Ruby in Her Own Time". Read the story again, Reading Comprehension
4- Identify compound words from a list of words.
5- Organize in order sequence of events. 1,2,3

Second Grade Exam March 5, 2015

Please study the following concepts for the exam: (VERBS)

1- What is a: verb, linking verb, tense, past, present, future?
2- Identify the verb in a sentence. Is it in present, pat or future tense?
3- Choose the verb that completes the sentence.
4- Write the incorrect verbs in a sentence correctly.

MUST know the grammar rules taught in class. (Present Tense,Past Tense, Future Tense, Linking Verbs and Irregular Verbs in the past)

This exam is ALL APPLICATION! Students have to read, think and, analyze before answering.

Don't leave studying for the last minute!

Take Care,

Teacher Matias

Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekly February 23-27, 2015

Click on the link to download the weekly.

PK Weekly Feb 23-27, 2015

1st & 2nd Grade Weekly Feb 23-27, 2015

First Grade Quiz- Friday February 27, 2015

Check Exam Calendars.

Have a wonderful week!

Teacher Matías  

First Grade QUiz

Friday February 27, 2015  - First Grade Quiz

Study the following:

1- Sounds -nk and -ng
2- Identify compound words
3- High Frequency Words always, day, nothing, things, stay and everything

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Second Grade Quiz

Quiz- February 12, 2015

Study the following concepts:

1- High Frequency Words
2- Spelling Words (Long Ee Sound - ee, ea, y)
3- Vocabulary Words (Pear and Wagner)
4- Compare and Contrast (What is it?)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

First Grade Exam Review

The students must study the following concepts at home:

1- Spelling Words: red, bed, ten, wet, men, step, bump, hunt, jump, must
2- High Frequency Words: small, home, your, many, tree
3- complete the word with the following consonant blends: nd, nt, mp, st, cr, fl, fr, gr, sm, sl, st
4- Complete the word with the correct vowel: u or e

Monday, January 26, 2015

Second Grade Exam Review

Exam: January 30, 2015

1- Spelling Words Long A Sound
2- Vocabulary Words:"One Good Turn Deserves Another"
3- homophones (the ones covered in class)
4- High Frequency Words (minute, door, behind, everybody, promise, sorry, brought)
5- What is a fairy tale?
6- Re-read the story "One Good Turn Deserves Another" for details.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Weekly January 19-23, 2015

Weekly 1st-2nd Grade Jan 19-23

PK Weekly Jan 19-23

Check Exams Calendar:

First Grade- February 4, 2015

Second Grade- January 30, 2015

PK Oral Evaluation - January 28, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hello! Weekly & Nets

PK Weekly and 1st & 2nd Weekly will be posted later during the day.

Thank You,

Teacher Matías

*All of my students from Nets can come to their tutoring session.
Sessions will take place at the same place, days and time of last year.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015



 Please make sure your child comes to school with his or hers class materials.
 Scissors, glue, crayons, pencils, eraser, construction paper, white paper should be inside their boxes or book bags.

Reading book, workbook and notebook should be brought to class everyday.
No books? Please make sure your child brings photocopies.
Reading book pages and workbook pages to be used in the classroom are always in the weekly.

Class assignments are to be completed in class. No points will be given to incomplete assignments.
If your child is absent, please check the weekly, the assignments to be done will be there and can be completed at home.

Evaluations Calendar:

First Grade
Quiz - January 20, 2015
Exam - February 4, 2015

Second Grade
Quiz - January 20, 2015
Exam - January 27, 2015

First Grade

Interrogative, Declarative, Exclamatory

Second Grade Slow Readers?


I know we just came back from vacation. Can we say...still on vacation mode?

My Second Grade came back and they are reading very slow. NO, NO, NO! They were reading so well! Let's not let them get carried away.

Help me out and continue practicing reading fluency at home.

Teacher Matías is against lazy readers!

I will be spending a certain amount of class practicing reading skills.

Stay tuned...Book Report coming soon!



1st - 2nd Grade Quiz

Tuesday January 20, 2014

First Grade: 
Is the sentence interrogative, exclamatory or declarative?
Write the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.  (?  .  !)

Second Grade:
Finish the sentence (high frequency words, vocabulary words)
What is a fairy tale? What is a drama?
Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentence (sea, sea, hole, whole, flour, flower, to, too, two, be, bee, eight, ate, blew, blue)

*ALL of these concepts have been presented, explained, discussed and practiced in class.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1st-2nd Grade Weekly January 8-16, 2015

Two week weekly.

Click on the link to download the weekly.

1st-2nd Grade Weekly Jan 8-16, 2015

Have a wonderful week!

-Teacher Matías

January 20, 2015 -   Quiz for Second and First Grade. Check the weekly!

PK Weekly January 8-16, 2015 Zoo Animals, # 1-10, Letter Ss

PK Weekly Jan 8-16, 2015

 Smithsonian National Zoological Park

San Diego Zoo

Dr. Juan A. Rivera Zoo - Puerto Rico

Letter Ss

Welcome Back! Happy New Year! ~ 2015 ~

Have a wonderful 2015! 
xo - Teacher Matías