Thursday, March 19, 2015

Second Grade Exam Review March 26, 2015

The students must study and review the following concepts:

1- Long O Spelling Words
2- Compound Words (notebook list)
3- Author's Purpose (what is the author doing in a passage: entertain, persuade or inform)
4-High Frequency Words: caught, finally, believe, whatever, tomorrow, been, today
5- Vocabulary Words: "Dear Juno" and "Anansi..."

First Grade Exam Review March 26, 2015

The students must study and review the following concepts:

1- Spelling Words er, ir, ur
2- Contractions List (notebook)
3-Comparative Endings -er, -est (when do you write -er, when do you write -est)
4- Life Cycle of a Butterfly (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly)
 (identify which stage of the cycle the given picture is)