Monday, November 22, 2010

Exam Reviews

Second Grade Quiz Review:
1-      Write if the noun is a person place or thing.
2-      Write if the noun is common or proper
3-      Circle all the nouns in a sentence.
4-      Write the singular noun in its plural form.
5-      Write one noun for each: person, place and thing.
Third Grade Short Exam Review:
1-      Write nouns including person, places and things.
2-      Identify nouns in a sentence.
3-      Write if the noun is common or proper.
4-      Write the singular noun in its plural form.
5-      Write the possessive form of each set of nouns.

Fourth Grade Exam Review:                                                                        
1-      Write nouns (common or proper).
2-      Identify nouns in a sentence.
3-      Identify common or proper nouns.
4-      Write the plural for each noun.
5-      Write the possessive form of each set of nouns.

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