Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekly March 26=30

English Weekly  Mrs. Matias  Week: March 26-30, 2012
Third Grade
Contractions                                       Notebook/Workbook
Draw Conclusions                              Reading Book/ Workbook
“How do you raise a Raisin?”           Reading Book
“How do you raise a Raisin?”           Reading Book/ notebook
Procedural Text                                  Reading Book
Homework: Review the contraction list in the notebook.                                                                                             
Second Grade                                                                              
High Frequency Words  - Long Ee Sound   Workbook/Notebook
Author’s Purpose – Animal Fantasy    
Reading Book / Notebook/ Workbook
Vocabulary Words                                  Notebook / Workbook
“Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends”
  Reading Book / Notebook
“Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends”         Notebook

Homework: No homework.  
 *For next Monday April 2, 2012 the students must bring to class a simple robot made out of any material he or she prefers (cans, toilet paper rolls, boxes, etc) . It should be small. Let your child use his/her imagination that is what this story will be about.
1-      I am selling the “Relevo por la vida” T-shirt. Please contact me for more information about upcoming activities.  (Third Grade)
2-      Make sure to check and review daily the material given in class. Don’t leave studying for the last minute.
3-      It is advised to check the teacher’s blog weekly. In it I will post many resources and practice that can be used at home. Students, parents and tutors can benefit from them a lot.
4-      Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments about the class. You can contact me at my regweb email address or at my personal one: You can also call the school’s secretary and schedule an appointment.
5-      The teacher is not responsible for the missed material. Students that are absent should be responsible for the missed material. The teacher will provide any other material or special assignment given to all the students. 
6-      Classes begin at 7:20am. Please make sure the students arrive on time to their classes. Let’s avoid any type of interruptions.     
                 Have a great week!  

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