Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Second Grade Quiz

Quiz-March 6, 2014

Review the following concepts at home:

High Frequency Words
Spelling Words E combinations

First Grade

Pages to visit for extra practice:



In the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", what did Goldilocks do first, second, and last while she was in their house?
  • Sipped some of the porridge, sat on the chairs, slept in their beds.

PK Songs Concepts Review

First Grade By popular demand in the classroom... Verbs

Second Grade Being Creative-Inventions

First Grade Exam Review

First Grade Exam Review: March 4, 2014

Students must study the following concepts:
High Frequency Words
Identify words with nk  or ng. Teacher will say the words and the students have to write if it has NG or MK in the word. They do not have to write the complete word.
Sequence of Events: Various very short stories will be given for them to write in order. (Example: 1,2,3,4,5)
Answer a true or false exercise with details from the story "Ruby in her Own Time". Re-read the story with your child at home. It was read and discussed in class.
S and no S in verbs: Write s in the verb or not depending on the subject of the sentence.
Rules were discussed and practiced in class. Examples are in the workbook.
Singular subject:add s to the verb. Plural subject do no add s to the verb.
Identify Compound Words from a list of words.

Every concept was discussed in class orally and written.

Have a great week!

Teacher Matias :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24-28, 2014 Weekly

Click on the link to download the weekly.

Please make sure to add to you calendars the exams and quiz.

Second Grade: two homework

1st-2nd Grade Weekly

PK Weekly

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Second Grade Exam

The exam has been postponed. It will be given on Friday February 21, 2014. Enough time will be given for students to continue reviewing the concepts at home.

Parents, always remember that you should always trust your child's knowledge and capacity to perform great on his or her exams and class work. I make sure to give them enough practice in class. Memorization is not an option in this class because I want students to think and analyze before answering. All of the concepts presented in class will be seen again in Third Grade. I trust my students' capacity and intelligence. Giving the exact parts of the exam in a review will not be helpful. All of the concepts taught in class will be presented in the exam in ways that I believe will make my students challenge themselves and show me what was learned. Please make sure to always review at home what was given in class so all the strain of studying is not left for the last minute.

Feel free to contact me for more information.

Take Care!

Teacher   :)

Second Grade

I added possessive nouns to the review. Sorry for my mistake.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Second Grade Exam Review

Exam: February 19, 2014

Review the following:
  • Long A Sound Spelling Words
  • High Frequency Words (Fill in the Blank)
  • Vocabulary Words with definitions (Match)
  • Characteristics of Fables (short stories, characters are animals, teach a lesson, lesson is at the end of the story...)
  • Re-read the story "One Good Turn Deserves Another" for details (True or False)
  • Possessive Nouns ( Write the possessive form of each noun, Write if the possessive noun is in singular or plural.)

All of thiese concepts have been studied and practiced in class with time in advanced.

Have a great week!

Monday, February 3, 2014

First Grade


The Reading Book that the students will be using next is Unit 3 not Unit 2. My mistake!

Sorry for the inconvenience,
