Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Grade Exam Review

First Grade Exam Review      Exam: August 22, 2014
I.                    Identify the vowels in the alphabet. (5)
II.                  Identify the consonants in the alphabet. (21)
III.                Circle the pictures that begin with the /m/, /s/, /t/ and short a sound.
IV.                Complete the sentence using a high frequency word. (I, see, a, green)
I see you!      The crayon is green.
V.                  Complete the word using the correct letter. (s,t,m and a)
Sam     pat    mop  ant

*During the FIRST semester of First Grade the teacher will read the exam to the students and work part by part with them. The teacher will read the instructions, name all the pictures in the exam, read the sentences and read the words to be completed.

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