Wednesday, January 14, 2015



 Please make sure your child comes to school with his or hers class materials.
 Scissors, glue, crayons, pencils, eraser, construction paper, white paper should be inside their boxes or book bags.

Reading book, workbook and notebook should be brought to class everyday.
No books? Please make sure your child brings photocopies.
Reading book pages and workbook pages to be used in the classroom are always in the weekly.

Class assignments are to be completed in class. No points will be given to incomplete assignments.
If your child is absent, please check the weekly, the assignments to be done will be there and can be completed at home.

Evaluations Calendar:

First Grade
Quiz - January 20, 2015
Exam - February 4, 2015

Second Grade
Quiz - January 20, 2015
Exam - January 27, 2015

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