Tuesday, October 29, 2013



It is very important that students come to school with their basic materials. Pencils are a must. I have a lot of students with no pencils, eraser,coloring books, crayons, scissors, glue, etc. I share my crayons ans materials with them but I have noticed that lately I have a great amount of students without them and I have not enough for all of them. I always talk to my students about organization and responsibility. Let's make sure they can put  those values to practice. It's all about team work!

* Please notice that in the weekly I have added the pages that the students will be working in class. I have a lot of students coming to class with those pages already made. The purpose of adding the pages in the weekly is for parents, students and tutors to know the concepts and pages that they are working and if a student is absent or there is an incomplete assignment they can then complete it at home. Homework to be done at home is announced in the homework announcement section in the weekly. If a student still doesn't have the workbook you can use the weekly as a guide for photocopies or you can contact me for the complete section of pages to be done in class. Again parents its all about team work.

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