Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2-1 Parents



  The homework will be changed for Thursday since tomorrow morning the students will be working on their Learn Aid exams. The only thing the students have to bring to class in pictures of the natural disaster and information regarding safety tips to follow  during a disaster. NO student has to write any information, no pages maximum or minimum. A few sentences and tips is more than enough. You can even print it out from the computer and internet. The purpose of the assignment is for the students to sit in a group, read what each brought and together make a Safety Tips Poster. This assignment will help them work on a very special skill which is to analyze and work in groups, share ideas, etc. There is no need to panic or add to the homework. It is very simple. I do apologize if the page in the "aviso" notebook wasn't clear enough and I do understand where the doubts would arise from.

Hope this makes it better!
Thanks for your understanding,

Teacher Matias

* Please, if you have any type of doubts and questions about the English class, an assignment for my class, exam, quiz or project feel free to contact me. During the morning I am usually in the office. Ask for me. The student's homeroom teacher cannot answer them, they are not pertinent to her classes.   :)

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