Tuesday, November 5, 2013

First Grade Parents


  Beginning next week the student will be using the next reading book in the list. On the side of the book look for the one that says Unit 1. It is hard cover. Ready, Set. Read can be left at home. From this book on the class and assignments are going to be a bit different and accelerated. Read, Set, Read got them started in reading. Now the student will be working  in the continuation of the book. I still have students that have difficulty identifying letters and sounds. I will be contacting the parents of this students. Extra attention at school and home is a must. It is all about team work and giving them a great example at home too of how important it is to learn English. Also, please I do understand all about busy schedules and how hectic family life is but please set at least a few minutes to read to your child. Stories and illustrations can spark the student's interest a lot. Have them read to you aloud, you read to them, share the reading you a few lines he or she a few lines. Ask questions, discuss illustrations, etc.

Here are few links that can help you with reading ideas:






Have a great week!

Teacher Matias

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